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Online Testing & Skills Assessment-Knowledge Assessment Platform

The meaning of Knowledge today has changed from being sought after by a few intellectuals in the past decade to being used by the entire society at large as we enter Knowledge economy. But it is information about Shopping, Food, Travel, Education, Social Need, Emergency Service, Disaster Recovery, Sending immediate relief supplies to those affected by natural calamities etc. today, Knowledge has become an integral part of our life. With the proliferation of Telecommunication and the Internet, Knowledge gathering and dissemination has become very easy making the whole world a global village. We have already started living in Knowledge societies.


Knowledge Assessment

Due to this rapid development, Knowledge Assessment has become the need of the hour. Hitherto, due to the easy access of Knowledge at the hands of everybody, has given rise to the situation where-in somebody from Srinagar in North & somebody from Kanyakumari has got access to the same knowledge and they are both ready to qualify for a program or certification. Due to this geographical gap separating the identified talents, Personal testing or assessment has become very time consuming and a costly affair. But the institutions are not ready to lose these identified talents. Thus the Assessments are embracing the Internet. Even though it would have taken a decade or two to perfect a particular Assessment (may be MAT test for example) being conducted all over in person by various authorities, it has hardly taken couple of years for the idea of Online Assessment to catch up with them. Varieties of assessments like Pre-Hire assessment, Skill assessment, Attitude assessment, IQ assessment etc., have become the very essence of spread of Knowledge. Thus, Knowledge Assessments are driving the knowledge society/economy today which is growing at a very rapid pace.

Some of the important applications of Knowledge Assessments include:

Employee Relationship Management

Online Recruitment Management System
Online Pre-Hire Testing Services
Online Multi-Rater 360 degree Feedback System
Performance Management System
Online Surveys such as Employee Satisfaction surveys

Competitive Exam Management

Online Application filing
Online Counselling  Services
Online Scheduling of Exams & Result Publication System
Online Tracking of Learning Path and Performance Forecasting using Dash Board

Knowledge Assessment Platform –Revolutionizing Exam-taking  

KAP is an advanced solution to revolutionize the entire examination processes by diligently meeting the requirements of the industry in conducting online examination. The solution has a simple and easy to use web-based centralized user interface and a well-defined database-centric schema for storing, retrieving, managing and aggregating examination objects.

The MAS advantage: The solution is provided as Managed Application Service, handles the complete life cycle of online registration of candidates to the online accessing, Hall ticket generation, Question Bank Management, Question Randomization, Exam Scheduling, Exam Delivery and publishing the results. The solution is futuristic, scalable and can be used by in universities, large corporate, banks, etc., for online assessments, common entrance examinations, mass assessment and for conducting skills upgradeable tests.

Truly versatile: KAP has a powerful but easy to use question bank authoring system with different question types like multiple choices, true or false, fill in the blanks etc. The question banks are managed online and the questions can contain multimedia content also. The question papers are delivered in a highly secured manner with 128 bit encryption technology to provide the peace of mind to the stake holders. Effective reports are generated to know the details about examinations conducted, centre details, fee details, candidate details, cost and budget details etc. Examinations are set to pass the technology test!

Key Features

Some of the key features of the KAP, the integrated next generation online examination and assessment system includes

Anytime, Anywhere Access
Authoring & Question Bank Management
Exam Centre Management and Scheduling
Online Exam Delivery
Security & Reliability
Reporting & Result Publication

KAP - An important tool for Business

The advantages that KAP offers in identifying and hiring the talent by conducting online examination make it an important tool for business in all domains. The main advantages include:

Future : First of all, KAP is futuristic.  In this fast changing environment, one has to align to future always. Owing to the vast & fast growth of Internet & telecommunications, the Knowledge spread and the need for assessment is also growing across globe simultaneously at a speed in which conventional brick and mortar type of Institutions cannot survive for long.  So KAP is the future and most organizations are busy considering very big plans towards this direction.

Anytime, Anywhere exam :  By this suddenly Corporates and Institutions gets access to talents across the country with very little expenses to both the Corporates and to the Individuals concerned.   One need not rely only upon local talent pool. 

Instantaneous results.  Both the Corporate and the Candidate gets to know the results immediately.

Right Candidate at the Right Time : When a Corporate has an opening for a job, it will not be able to get the right candidate immediately. Also when a good candidate is identified the right opening for him may not be free or available.  But by using KAP corporates can now do the identification job continuously, by permitting candidates to take Anytime, Anywhere exam, so that at the time of need, Corporate can select the candidates easily from those who have already taken the assessment.

Overall Reduction of Time & Cost : KAP because of the above cited advantages results in reduction of Time & Cost to complete mass level assessments.

Contact sales@mindlogicx.com for more information on KAP.